Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Dream

I know that my writing are normally very... well angsty, but today I want to talk about my dreams. This last week I realized that I want to be a treasure hunter. Yes I'm being serious, a treasure hunter. I don't mean a crazy gun nut trying to steal money or that creepy dude in the park or on the beach with a metal detector. I want to look for lost treasure. Sure there have been some video game influences to get me toward this awesome dream but does that really matter. This is a dream, that when I think about it, I've wanted my entire life. To travel all around the word. Learn to protect myself from thieves, pirates, monsters, what have you. Become incredibly rich. Understand people, languages, history, theories, myths, religions, and the entire human race from the beginning to the end. To learn how to sail and fly a plane and helicopter. To experience a love for life beyond material but for searching for and idea beyond my wildest dreams and continuing to look for it until my dying day. 

This world is full of life. Of people striving everyday to find out who they are. There are billions of billions of worlds in this universe. I can at least try to understand mine and the bigger problem myself. Every lie is based on a kernel of truth. All of the stories, the legends can't all be wrong. Reason does have role in the universe and it is by our ability to imagine around our world of reason that we see how reason fundamentally works.

Most of all, this dream isn't meant to be a dream that is meant to make me rich, I mean really the first few years are going to be rough, but I think this dream will make me everything I want to be one day. Strong, independent, intelligent, respectful, intrigued by stories and an adventurer. I don't want to live encircled about by a cubicle, or limited in my imagination, I want to explore the world that I've been given and learn to enjoy everything that it has to offer, including people, places and things like treasure, and most of all imagination.

I hope you respect that i have this outlandish dream. After all what are we without our dreams? I can't be afraid my own dreams and neither should you. It's all that we have to make this world better. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Life is Really Starting.

I can't explain how I feel. There's something so amazing about this feeling. All my life I've been waiting for my life to begin. (Not to quote Tangled.) The first stroke has been made and now a masterpiece is born. I build my life and with each move I'm changed into everything I've dreamed I'd be. I'm no longer held onto by time, I'm the master of time.

I know it's cheesy to believe in fairytales. Of happy ending and true love, but I know it's real. Unfortunately I have to wait two years for my true search to begin, but it's so close I'm just in it for the ride now.

My life is a story. It's my fairytale and everyday is a new adventure waiting to be foregone and I finally see it playing out the way I always new it would. The thing is I don't know how it'll turn out or what I'll do, but it doesn't matter because I know my adventure will lead me to the exact spot I need to be, to make my own happy ever after.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rain Dance

I know it's stupid and really crazy,
But that's how it works
I can't get you out of my head
I was stuck hoping you would change your mind
But now I'm resorting to my last hope
It's not going to be at the airport
As your about to board a plane
Or out in the rain
Soaked to the bone
It's going to be in that moment
You look me in the eyes
And the world disappears
We're left alone
And I profess my love for you
For a moment you're unsure
Lost in the insanity of it all
But soon the fog clears
And I see the change in your eyes
I know it's changed everything
But the best part is we're not afraid
As we return to the world

Thursday, February 9, 2012


He awoke one the floor, which was a little odd but it didn't matter. He was flushed of color. He sat up hoping that the tingling in his feet would go away.  He stood up. Put on his clothes and walked out.  The day was like any other for the time of year. It was the rainy season. And that's exactly how it was.  He walked out in the rain without an umbrella and walked the four blocks to his job, in the mail room.

He couldn't say he particularly liked his job, but at the same time he was always daydreaming and had never actually done his job. Surprising I know, but I digress, he would start his day thinking of all the things that he had never done. He had always dreamed of going to Africa and chasing a lion through the jungle. He would be lost in the fantasies of his imagination. Because he didn't take into account how long his time at work was taken up just from thinking, he just seemed to miss it.

He went home living his life in a dream. Being carried on the wings of a dragon, to the Chinese take-out and from there climbing the frigid Mount Everest to his apartment. Which was all the way on the sixth floor.  He arrived at the top step placing his very lucid dream flag in the top step.

For some reason he couldn't imagine anything in the hallway between the stairs and his apartment door but as soon as his door opened, the wind of the Sahara blew down the hall. He step in, grab hold of his gear jumped on his camel and he was off. They followed the Nile until the reached the pyramids and then until they reached the Mediterranean Sea , and from there they traveled west by boat to the Moroccan bay. But somehow finding a Chinese stand in the market.

His day was never dull. It was lived to the fullest until his eyes could not stay open anymore. Usually passing out on the floor with his imaginary treasure map still in hand. Now the real dreaming would begin.

His imagination was magnified in sleep.  The action was more intense, the women even more beautiful but yet at the same time the waves were bigger, the monsters were bigger and scarier. It wasn't uncommon for a nightmare to occur. He would wake up sweating, shivering and cold with nothing to do but pull the covers over his head.  Falling back into his dream.

Again he woke up but time he felt worse. He had a migraine and he could hardly open his eyes. It seemed so bright in his room. He figured he would just stay home today and call in sick. He got some food together, took an aspirin and laid down on his bed. The food was helping, although he still felt like his head was on fire.

As he was beginning to fall back asleep, the doorbell rang. It hurt. He got up and walked to the door, looked through the peep hole and to his astonishment it was a woman. He opened the door. She looked at him as he stood there looking groggy. As moments passed they continued to stare at each other. Finally they both decide to speak at the same time, simultaneously interrupting each other. The tensions were high. He trying to nip the more awkward moments in the bud asked her what she was here for.

She responded, it was a monologue she had given several times before. Advertising the benefits of this or that from a latest and greatest in technology. She was surprised to find that he was watching her very intently. She continued, asked him if he would like to try the items.

He told her that he couldn't focus, but that he was certainly interested. He invited her in to talk about it more.

She talked, he listened. He would make a silly joke, and talk about his wonderful adventures. Eventually he asked her out. She accepted.  They dated and fell in love. She loved him when he would talk about all the amazing things that he did. They were married. They spent their honeymoon in Africa chasing a lion through the jungle. They then decided they wanted to go to the great barrier reef. They never went back home instead they continued to have adventures together. Growing closer and closer with each moment. And now the most important part of this story happens now.

She dies.

Alone. He breaks. Staring at himself in the mirror, he sees his eyes have died. He doesn't know what to do anymore. His life was spent with the woman that realized his imagination as beauty and never let it die. Now as she rests, his imagination has died also. He has lost the one person who loved him for his mind. Now his mind is gone. He is left without the companionship of his mind, unable to comprehend even the simplest thing. Driven to madness. Alone.


Years pass, haunted and tortured. Lost in the recesses of a mental ward. Is when he sees her. She talks with him. She tells him to remember when he was capable of imagining anything at all. He does. The transformation is that of black and white turning into color. Life growing where it couldn't before. He looked out his window. Saw the sun and became engulfed with the adventures he had once undergone. Together they become free. She leaves him a piece of herself inside his heart so he'll never forget.

He continues to this day seeing wonder after wonder from the inside of his head, strolling along with the one who loved him for his spirit.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


There's no such thing as a "type of person"
Sure someone may be more likely to do something based on passed events though,
The character of a person shouldn't be defined by the type
But more so on the Strength of Will that a person has
We are changing so often that we usually don't realize it
Every time we think, we breath, we talk, we learn we change
No one gets it right the first time or even the second or tenth or fiftieth times
It's by the strength that we have to get back up
It's about running even though your beaten and bruised
To smile in the face of pain 
Enjoy the opportunity to even be alive
To make your life the happiest creation you can make

Man's most basic instinct is to cling to life
But somewhere the evolution has pushed that out of our system
Although the need for physical clinging isn't as demanding 
As the days of the cavemen, the emotional clinging is dying
To many people don't cling (emotionally) to life
They take the life put in their hands by the generation before them
The people who live life to the fullest are those that dare
Dare to keep hope alive, Dare to keep a smile on their face 
And STRIVE to live happily. 
There are billions of things to bring us to tears 
And if we even had a little courage to cling to joy,
That would be the day

The strongest people on this planet are the people who are truly happy. 
How happy are you?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Dreary Soul Awaits the Day

The dreary soul awaits the day
When misfortune and pain will subside
When love will be at play 
And it will not have to hide

The lonely dove sits in it's nest
Waiting to swell up in pride
And leave behind in detest
The days before it tried

The blissful boy sat on his bed
Listening to the world collide
Unknowing of what was ahead
Unaware of the bumpy ride

The dreary soul fears the night
Where the sun will not abide
And in utter pain and fright
Embarks where the demons preside