Monday, July 4, 2011

Attention everybody!

I just wanted to inform everyone how rude it is be impatient. At my work I have so many people come in who do not have the capability to be kind to the people running the store. The people in the store are never going to be rude to you, so don't ever be rude to them.

Now there are some of you who are nice and patient and I thank you for that. You were raised well the other costumers on the other hand...... weren't.

I'm asking.... begging you to please be nice to those people that are there to service you. There is no reason to act like a jerk.

If you have stories about this please share them with a comment. If you agree with what I'm saying post a comment about it.


1 comment:

  1. Some people are just rude. :\ Some people at Mickey D's seem to think that since I work for minimum wage I should be treated with less respect... It's pretty awful.
