Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Your Burden

Trembling and sliding backwards down the trail
Tripping and falling over with tears flooding your eyes
I can't help but want to take your burden
To take your pain away 
So you don't ever have to feel that way again
But you can't see me
I'm invisible to your eyes
My short life took me from you
Now i'm left in torment as you are left alone
Struggling without help
I almost miss you say my name
You say it so soft and warm 
You ask for me to be with you
To carry you and tell you it'll be okay
I stare at you as you cry and slowly whisper into your ear
Though you can't hear me, 
You're so close
Only a short way up the hill 
I don't know how you can go on alone but you must
I'll be waiting at the end
Waiting to carry you and take away your pain
Abruptly you get up look down where i am and smile
You know, you smile as you climb like you had just started
Bounding the rocks and hills
The pain has no hold on you now
Nothing does, not even gravity
Flying to where I am
Nothing can stop us as our feet dangle below us and the sky approaches

With love,



  1. I hate writing without having someone to edit my work, so please if you see something that needs to be changed let me know. It really does matter to me.

  2. I LOVE THIS. If you want to play with this one, play with the punctuation. I like the ambiguity of it, but if you want to direct your reader more, you can use punctuation to influence the way the piece is read.
