Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thank You

Thank You,

Although you did not supply the words I spoke, You gave me the air to breath.
Although you didn't walk the miles that got me there, You were in the music that accompanied me.
Although you didn't feel my heart break, You stood with me in the rain.
Although I did everything wrong, You hugged me and let me cry in your shoulder.

You have strengthened me and made me strong.
You have carried more than your share so I didn't have to.
You picked me up when I could go no further.
You were the only one there when I was totally alone.

I'm sorry I can never give back what you have done for me.
I'll never have the strength to endure what you have.
I'll never know how it feels to bear someone else pain so vividly.
I'll never stop asking you to forgive me.

I owe my life to you. I hope it will be enough.


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