Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"My Weekend Plans or Something"

You know that feeling when you don't have any expectations, no one requires anything from you and your basically free to do what you will. That's the feeling I have in my dreams.

Sure I have nightmares, who doesn't, I'm terrified and I wake up in sweat and tears, but I don't feel burdened by anything in my dreams. Until I wake up, I feel real, happy.

I have epic adventures, visions of intense action and stories of triumph. Dreams of saving the damsel in distress, as well as my minds portrayal of my life with some few distortions.

Last night, I was betrayed. I was on a dark street with only the lights from the street lamps to distinguish. He was there, with a bomb, for some reason, he was with another (probably the one who gave him the bomb). They tried to attack me but of course I was on a bike.... obviously I was faster.

I then transitioned to a friends house. I tried to warn everyone there, which was practically everyone, of him and his bomb. But I was just ignored. Nothing would work. The moment arrived as he showed up and began to chased me. I hoped out a window and hopped fences and dove into bushes. I was hiding from everyone now. Thank heavens it's impossible to find someone in a bush...

Anyway I make it away safely eventually put to end his treacherous plot. Saving the day, and rejecting the girl for not having faith in me. Word. Then I walk away into the glorious sunset.

About this time.... my alarm clock screeches at me.... sometimes I get it right away, other times I wake up and have no idea where I am, hoping the stupid noise will stop just by my sheer will power..... It doesn't usually like it when I do that and tends to get louder.

But not to detract from my point, I'm powerful in my dreams, I have the opportunities to do amazing things. I never feel like I'm a waste or that I'm not forwarding myself. In there I can build cities and fly to the nearest star Betelgeuse and have a picnic on it. I have a very strong feeling I'll actually be able to do these things, they'll be my weekend plans or something.

Finally, I feel like my spirit, during a dream has the amazing opportunity to be freed from my body for just a little while, it's absolutely weightless everything it could ever want. Then when that obnoxious alarm clock rings. My spirit is lassoed and hog tied to my body and it's forced to carry this thing around all day.


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