Saturday, October 15, 2011

No Regrets

Some people get halfway between third and home
Just to get out
Some people give everything they have in a marathon
Just to get second
Some people put faith in another
Just to be proven wrong

What we must remember is that we will fall
We will lose the race
We will have our faith tried
But if our heart was not in it
If we didn't play with our whole soul
Or give everything past exertion

There will be regret
There will be sadness 
And there will be a longing
There are many reasons to give up
To plead for rest 
And to face our weakness

But no reason should separate us from the ability to make ourselves happy
Nothing should keep us from living our lives the way we want them to be

I don't regret my actions for I know I would not be as strong as I am today
I do not regret my words for my heart will not betray me of my feelings
I will not despair in sorrow for only reaching second
For I have ever so much better to become
And I will grow much faster without this extra weight to drag me down


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