Sunday, August 21, 2011


I look behind me and am startled by my shadow
Scared of the way it stalks me
It wasn't until I was in darkness that thought I had found peace
As I calmed I realized now my shadow was all around me
The darkness was my shadow!
I leapt in fear fleeing the room
There was no escape from the thing behind me
I feel as though I'm doomed to be chased my entire life
I sat in a ball shivering from fear
For hours I could feel it watching me
Paying close attention to me trying to find my weaknesses
When subtly a hand rests upon my shoulder
I look up and see you
You reach for my hand and pull me to my feet
There is no shadow beneath yours
"Brother," you say, "why do you hide?"
"There is nothing to be afraid of, I'm here by your side.
Come on, let's go out into the sun
And make this shadow be undone."

1 comment:

  1. This is another good one! You should continue it though. It feels like there is more to their story.
