Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thank You

Thank You,

Although you did not supply the words I spoke, You gave me the air to breath.
Although you didn't walk the miles that got me there, You were in the music that accompanied me.
Although you didn't feel my heart break, You stood with me in the rain.
Although I did everything wrong, You hugged me and let me cry in your shoulder.

You have strengthened me and made me strong.
You have carried more than your share so I didn't have to.
You picked me up when I could go no further.
You were the only one there when I was totally alone.

I'm sorry I can never give back what you have done for me.
I'll never have the strength to endure what you have.
I'll never know how it feels to bear someone else pain so vividly.
I'll never stop asking you to forgive me.

I owe my life to you. I hope it will be enough.


Monday, September 26, 2011


I think about it for hours and hours
The thought alone propels me to be so bold
If only I were by your side
Or had a voice of thunder
I could tell you right now
Sadly I can't and probably won't
In my head I can imagine
You shouting for joy
Because you had longed to hear the words
But in reality it's not the same
An excuse may arise
Or a longing for someone else
I have no idea what I'm to do
I'm stuck between the honest and faithful truth
And a much more depressing fear of loss

Then again I'm so young
I have no need to rush and ruin the good
But life is too short to kid myself
You're amazing
And I want that moment of true awe
Maybe in a another world
Fate had brought us together
Nothing had hindered the truth
In that world where I'm everything I'm not
Yet I'm still me
Not afraid to take a chance and leap into thin air
Happy to break every bone in my body
Just for you
Hopefully it won't have to come to that
But I know every second I think about it
I'm ready to jump

Finally I love you,
                       I LOVE YOU
                                               I LOVE YOU
I'm falling and falling
And it's the best feeling ever
Now I'm weightless
Even for a moment


P.S. I hope you'll forgive me for being bold
I just thought I needed to have guts for the first time in my life.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not Good Enough

There's nothing I can do
I'm out of hope and patience
I've tried to be there with you
There always was imbalance
That horrible ride
My over expectations
I feel like I've lied
And know I have no pardons
There's no way back
To the night that's passed
I know that I lack
I know I'll be last.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Far Away

I'm having one of those days
Where I'm stuck in a dream
I'm close enough to hear you laugh 
To look into your eyes
But really I'm millions of miles away
I'm staring at stars
That are much closer now
I'm singing as loud as I can
Even though I know no one will hear
Alone in the space of my mind
Creating worlds and stars without number
Except this one
This star is the most beautiful
Just like you
You....  still laughing and smiling
Propelled by the thought of you
I make the million mile journey back 
To utter a quick
I love you


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Your Burden

Trembling and sliding backwards down the trail
Tripping and falling over with tears flooding your eyes
I can't help but want to take your burden
To take your pain away 
So you don't ever have to feel that way again
But you can't see me
I'm invisible to your eyes
My short life took me from you
Now i'm left in torment as you are left alone
Struggling without help
I almost miss you say my name
You say it so soft and warm 
You ask for me to be with you
To carry you and tell you it'll be okay
I stare at you as you cry and slowly whisper into your ear
Though you can't hear me, 
You're so close
Only a short way up the hill 
I don't know how you can go on alone but you must
I'll be waiting at the end
Waiting to carry you and take away your pain
Abruptly you get up look down where i am and smile
You know, you smile as you climb like you had just started
Bounding the rocks and hills
The pain has no hold on you now
Nothing does, not even gravity
Flying to where I am
Nothing can stop us as our feet dangle below us and the sky approaches

With love,


Sunday, September 4, 2011

You're here with me.

There are days when you feel like writing a novel
There are days when you feel like singing for someone
And then there are days when you feel like reading a novel
Or there are days when you want to listen to someone sing their heart out
But today I just want to see you
I want to read your thoughts through your eyes
I want to hear the words flow from your mouth
And even though I know I can't because you're gone
You will always be here inside me
You've made me different and coincidentally you dwell in my heart
And with every beat you course through me
Now I am strong
Now I am happy
All because I knew you
