Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Dream

I know that my writing are normally very... well angsty, but today I want to talk about my dreams. This last week I realized that I want to be a treasure hunter. Yes I'm being serious, a treasure hunter. I don't mean a crazy gun nut trying to steal money or that creepy dude in the park or on the beach with a metal detector. I want to look for lost treasure. Sure there have been some video game influences to get me toward this awesome dream but does that really matter. This is a dream, that when I think about it, I've wanted my entire life. To travel all around the word. Learn to protect myself from thieves, pirates, monsters, what have you. Become incredibly rich. Understand people, languages, history, theories, myths, religions, and the entire human race from the beginning to the end. To learn how to sail and fly a plane and helicopter. To experience a love for life beyond material but for searching for and idea beyond my wildest dreams and continuing to look for it until my dying day. 

This world is full of life. Of people striving everyday to find out who they are. There are billions of billions of worlds in this universe. I can at least try to understand mine and the bigger problem myself. Every lie is based on a kernel of truth. All of the stories, the legends can't all be wrong. Reason does have role in the universe and it is by our ability to imagine around our world of reason that we see how reason fundamentally works.

Most of all, this dream isn't meant to be a dream that is meant to make me rich, I mean really the first few years are going to be rough, but I think this dream will make me everything I want to be one day. Strong, independent, intelligent, respectful, intrigued by stories and an adventurer. I don't want to live encircled about by a cubicle, or limited in my imagination, I want to explore the world that I've been given and learn to enjoy everything that it has to offer, including people, places and things like treasure, and most of all imagination.

I hope you respect that i have this outlandish dream. After all what are we without our dreams? I can't be afraid my own dreams and neither should you. It's all that we have to make this world better.